DSD Boss opens series of applications helping to manipulate with music DSD carrying format files. One of important operation is extracting and unpacking a DST encoded stereo track from a SACD image for the following playback of the result using such applications as Kamerton. On fly DST decoding requires huge computation resources which can issue exceeded draining of a phone battery. An extracted track is also taking less space in most cases than an original SACD image. Due high CPU consumption it is recommended to setup extraction tasks overnight when a phone is connected to an external power source. Typical extraction takes about 10 hours on 1GHz ARM processor and just about 20 minutes on an equal frequency i5. Therefore using the application is recommended only for cases when no desktop computer is available for the same task.
Note if your OS Lollipop (Android 5.1) or later, then extraction path of files will look like
/sdcard/Android/data/rogatkin.mobile.app.dsdboss/files. A content of the directory will be deleted if you decide to uninstall DSD Boss, so make sure you move all files from the directory to a safe location. It doesn't affect you if you rooted your device and removed write protection to SD card.